The final paper is due on June 30, 2010. This is a firm deadline for the production of the proceedings.
In the preparation of the final paper, please note that:
- final versions of accepted papers must strictly adhere to the IOS Press format;
- the page limit of 12 pages for full papers and of 8 pages for short papers is strict: papers exceedings the page limit will not be included in the proceedings;
- please take into account the comments and the suggestions provided by the reviewers;
- figures will be printed in black and white: if you send figures in colour, please make sure that they are also legible in black and white;
- your references must be complete and adhere to IOS Press format;
- according to the IOS Press guidelines, you should provide source files and the PDF file of the camera ready paper with all fonts embedded and of high resolution (if you are using Acrobat Distiller, please select the job option Press Optimized);
- according to the IOS Press Author Copyright Agreement, by submitting your article you and all co-authors of your submission agree to the terms of that license. You do not need to fill out a copyright form for confirmation;
- at least one of the authors has to be registered to the conference by July 5, 2010.
Please submit your final paper using the "Proceedings" section of your EasyChair account. After login you are required to provide a single zip file containing two items:
- the PDF version of your camera-ready paper;
- a zipped file containing all your LaTeX sources (or the .doc file if you used MS Word).