- Simon Buckingham Shum, Cohere (Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University)
- Katarzyna Budzynska, Magdalena Kacprzak and Pawel Rembelski, Perseus - a tool for automatic verification of persuasion (Institute of Philosophy, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland, Faculty of Computer Science, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology)
- Dan Cartwright, Katie Atkinson and Trevor Bench-Capon, Parmenides: Structured argument creation, response, and analysis (The University Of Liverpool)
- Vasiliki Efstathiou and Anthony Hunter, JArgue: an implemented argumentation system for classical propositional logic (Department of Computer Science, University College London)
- Uwe Egly, Sarah A. Gaggl, Paul Wandl and Stefan Woltran, ASPARTIX Conquers the Web (Institute of Information Systems 184, Vienna University of Technology)
- Tom Gordon and Stefan Ballnat, The Carneades Argumentation System (Fraunhofer FOKUS)
- Fahd S. Nawwab, The Head Of the Department (HoD) Dilemma: Modeling of a decision-making methodology using Value-Based Argumentation Framework (The University of Liverpool)
- Mikolaj Podlaszewski, Yining Wu and Martin Caminada, An Implementation of Basic Argumentation Components (University of Luxembourg)