Call for Demonstrations


3rd International Conference on


Desenzano del Garda, Italy, 8th-10th September 2010



PDF Version of Call for Demonstrations.


Argumentation is an important and exciting research topic in artificial intelligence, with a broad spectrum of research activities ranging from theory to applications. The International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA) is a regular forum for presentation and exchange of the latest research results related to computational aspects of argumentation. After the successful editions in Liverpool (2006) and Toulouse (2008), COMMA 2010 will be held in Desenzano del Garda in September 2010.

As in the previous edition, a software demonstration session will be organized to complement paper presentations with a view on working applications and tools.


Proposals of software demonstrations are now invited for COMMA 2010 conference. Systems of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Argumentation-based reasoners

  • Systems for generating arguments from knowledge bases

  • Systems for editing, presenting and judging arguments and counterarguments

  • Collaborative and social systems based on argumentation

  • Simulations of dialogue-based argumentation

  • Argumentation-based agents and multi-agent systems

  • Decision support systems based on argumentation

  • Applications of argumentation technologies (e.g. in medicine, e-democracy, intelligent user interfaces, recommender systems, etc.)


Please send by 10th June 2010 a demonstration title and a one page extended abstract to:

  • Pietro Baroni (

  • Guillermo Simari (

  • Massimiliano Giacomin (


Notification of acceptance will be mailed to authors by 30th June 2010.

Authors of accepted demonstrations are expected to show their working systems in a special session of the conference. Organizational details will be provided along with notification of acceptance.

Accepted abstracts and any link to web resources related to the presented systems will be made available through the conference web site.


We gratefully acknowledge support by
University of Brescia
University of Brescia
Municipality of Desenzano del Garda
Municipality of
Desenzano del Garda
Taylor & Francis
Taylor & Francis Group