Panel Session at COMMA 2010 |
We are pleased to announce a special panel session on the uses of argumentation in agreement technologies at the COMMA 2010 conference. The panel is organised as part of the working group WG4 ( of the COST action on agreement technologies ( and will be held after the main conference on Friday 10th September from 5 to 7 pm. The COST action aims at coordinating national efforts on a new paradigm for next generation distributed systems, based on the concept of agreement between computational agents. The panel will provide a forum for discussing latest developments and challenges for argumentation models and technologies in the COST actions five key areas of semantics, norms, organisations, negotiation and trust. The following leading researchers have agreed to participate in the panel:
Note that limited funds are available for postgraduate students and young researchers to attend the panel session. For further information please contact Sanjay Modgil at |