Presentation Instructions |
Paper PresentationAll presentations will be held in the "Sala Pelér" of Palazzo Todeschini (see here). The meeting room will be equipped with an LCD projector (max resolution: 1024x768), a slide projector, and a flip chart. For the PC-based presentation, please either use your own laptop with VGA connector or bring the presentation on a USB stick in pdf, ppt or odp format. The availability of arbitrary video codecs or special plug-ins cannot be guaranteed. Technical staff will be available every day between 8.45 and 9.00 and during coffee breaks in order to test your presentation. Please take care of uploading/testing your presentation in advance and, in any case, no later than 15 minutes before the starting time of your session. Presentations of regular papers are allotted 20 minutes plus additional 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
Demo PresentationThe demo session will be held on Thursday 9 September from 17:00 to 18:30. During the demo session, presenters are expected to be next to their respective systems for questions and discussions. Space for a laptop will be provided along with outlet power. Presenters are required to bring their own laptop as well as to take care about possibly needed plug adapters (for an extensive illustration you may see here which has a section about Italian plugs and sockets). Wireless will be available. You can find further instructions here.