Special Issue in memory of John L. Pollock

In September 2009, the Argument & Computation community lost one of its great pioneers, with the passing away of John L. Pollock, professor of philosophy and cognitive science at the University of Arizona.
Pollock was among the dominant figures in epistemology, and made foundational contributions to the use of argumentation in artificial intelligence and cognitive architectures. He developed OSCAR, one of the most important implementations of defeasible reasoning in autonomous agents.
A new special issue of "Argument & Computation" is dedicated to the memory of John L. Pollock and aims to acknowledge his contributions to the field.


Full Call for Papers

We gratefully acknowledge support by
University of Brescia
University of Brescia
Municipality of Desenzano del Garda
Municipality of
Desenzano del Garda
Taylor & Francis
Taylor & Francis Group