Wednesday 8 September
08:00 - 08:45 |
Registration |
08:45 - 09:00 |
Conference Opening
09:00 - 10:00 |
Invited talk Chair: Paul Dunne
Douglas Walton: Types of Dialogue and Burdens of Proof 
10:00 - 11:05 |
Session: Argumentation and defeasible logic Chair: Francesca Toni
- Anthony Hunter: Base Logics in Argumentation

- Teresa Alsinet, Ramon Béjar, Lluis Godo: A characterization of collective conflict for defeasible argumentation

- Bart Verheij: Argumentation and rules with exceptions

11:05 - 11:30 |
Coffee break (kindly offered by the Municipality of Desenzano del Garda)
11:30 - 13:10 |
Session: Computational issues in argumentation Chair: Antony Hunter
- Wolfgang Dvorak*, Stefan Szeider, Stefan Woltran: Reasoning in Argumentation Frameworks of Bounded Clique-Width

- Paul Dunne: Tractability in Value-based Argumentation

- Eun Jung Kim, Sebastian Ordyniak, Stefan Szeider: Algorithms and Complexity Results for Persuasive Argumentation
- Paul Dunne, Diego Martinez, Alejandro Garcia, Guillermo Simari: Computation with varied-strength attacks in abstract argumentation frameworks

13:10 - 14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30 - 16:00 |
Session: Dynamics in argumentation Chair: Leon van der Torre
- Ringo Baumann*, Gerhard Brewka: Expanding Argumentation Frameworks: Enforcing and Monotonicity Results

- Fahd Saud Nawwab*, Paul E. Dunne, Trevor Bench-Capon: Exploring the Role of Emotions in Rational Decision Making

- Nicolás Rotstein, Martin Moguillansky, Alejandro García, Guillermo Simari: A Dynamic Argumentation Framework

- Martin Moguillansky, Nicolás Rotstein, Marcelo A. Falappa, Alejandro J. García, Guillermo Simari: Argument Theory Change Through Defeater Activation

16:00 - 16:30 |
Coffee break (kindly offered by the Municipality of Desenzano del Garda) |
16:30 - 18:10 |
Session: Argumentation semantics Chair: Gerard Vreeswijk
- Sarah Gaggl*, Stefan Woltran: CF2 Semantics Revisited
- Mauricio Osorio, Juan Carlos Nieves, Ignasi Gómez-Sebastià: CF2-extensions as Answer-set Models

- Martin Caminada: An Algorithm for Stage Semantics

- Matthias Grabmair*, Thomas F. Gordon, Douglas Walton: Probabilistic Semantics for the Carneades Argument Model Using Bayesian Belief Networks
Welcome Cocktail (kindly offered by Taylor & Francis) at Villa Brunati
Thursday 9 September
09:00 - 10:00 |
Invited talk Chair: Guillermo Simari
Gerhard Brewka: Abstract Dialectical Frameworks
10:00 - 11:05 |
Session: Languages and architectures Chair: Iyad Rahwan
- Floris Bex, Henry Prakken, Chris Reed: A formal analysis of the AIF in terms of the ASPIC framework
- Simon Buckingham Shum, Maarten Sierhuis, Jack Park, Matthew Brown: Software Agents in Support of Human Argument Mapping
- Mark Snaith*, Joseph Devereux, John Lawrence, Chris Reed: Pipelining Argumentation Technologies
11:05 - 11:30 |
Coffee break (kindly offered by the Municipality of Desenzano del Garda) |
11:30 - 13:10 |
Session: Argumentation and preferences Chair: Chris Reed
- Souhila Kaci: Refined Preference-based Argumentation Frameworks
- Leila Amgoud, Srdjan Vesic*: Generalizing stable semantics by preference

- Sanjay Modgil, Henry Prakken: Reasoning about Preferences in Structured Extended Argumentation Frameworks

- Sanjay Modgil, Trevor Bench-Capon: Integrating Dialectical and Accrual Modes of Argumentation
13:10 - 14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30 - 16:25 |
Session: Dialogues and agent systems Chair: Henry Prakken
- Xiuyi Fan*, Francesca Toni, Adil Hussain: Two-Agent Conflict Resolution with Assumption-Based Argumentation

- Andrew Kuipers*, Jörg Denzinger: Pitfalls in Practical Open Multi Agent Argumentation Systems: Malicious Argumentation

- Stefan Ballnat*, Thomas F. Gordon: Goal Selection in Argumentation Processes - A Formal Model of Abduction in Argument Evaluation Structures
- Katarzyna Budzynska: Argument Analysis: Components of Interpersonal Argumentation
- Stella Heras, Katie Atkinson, Vicente Botti, Floriana Grasso, Vicente Julian, Peter McBurney: How Argumentation can Enhance Dialogues in Social Networks

16:25 - 17:00 |
Coffee break (kindly offered by the Municipality of Desenzano del Garda) |
17:00 - 18:30 |
Software demo session |
Social Dinner with prizegiving for the best paper co-authored by a student (sponsored by Taylor & Francis) at Cascina Capuzza
Friday 10 September
09:00 - 10:55 |
Session: Practical applications Chair: Tom Gordon
- Phan Minh Dung, Francesca Toni, Paolo Mancarella: Some design guidelines for practical argumentation systems
- Anthony Hunter, Matthew Williams: Qualitative Evidence Aggregation using Argumentation
- Phan Minh Dung, Phan Minh Thang: Towards (Probabilistic) Argumentation for Jury-based Dispute Resolution
- Christoph Beierle, Bernhard Freund, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Matthias Thimm: Using Defeasible Logic Programming for Argumentation-Based Decision Support in Private Law
- Jodi Schneider, Alexandre Passant, Tudor Groza, John Breslin: Argumentation 3.0: how Semantic Web technologies can improve argumentation modeling in Web 2.0 environments
11:00 - 11:30 |
Coffee break (kindly offered by the Municipality of Desenzano del Garda) |
11:30 - 13:10 |
Session: Dialectical issues in argumentation Chair: Guido Boella
- Chris Reed, Simon Wells, Katarzyna Budzynska, Joseph Devereux: Building arguments with argumentation: the role of illocutionary force in computational models of argument

- Maya Wardeh, Trevor Bench-Capon, Frans Coenen: Arguing in Groups
- Caroline Devred, Sylvie Doutre, Claire Lefèvre, Pascal Nicolas: Dialectical Proofs for Constrained Argumentation

- Gerard Vreeswijk: Lower Bounds on Argument Verification in Computational Dialectic
13:10 - 14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30 - 16:10 |
Session: Abstract argumentation frameworks Chair: Sanjay Modgil
- Shengying Pan, Kate Larson, Iyad Rahwan: Argumentation Mechanism Design for Preferred Semantics
- Guido Boella, Dov Gabbay, Leon van der Torre, Serena Villata: Support in Abstract Argumentation

- Nir Oren, Chris Reed, Michael Luck: Moving Between Argumentation Frameworks

- Pietro Baroni, Paul E. Dunne, Massimiliano Giacomin: On Extension Counting Problems in Argumentation Frameworks

16:10 - 16:20 |
Main conference close |
16:20 - 17:00 |
Coffee break (kindly offered by the Municipality of Desenzano del Garda) |
17:00 - 19:00 |
Panel Session "Uses of argumentation in agreement technologies" organized by WG4 of the COST action on agreement technologies |
* Student applicant for the best paper award